A new look; a new start too?

I’ve upgraded the WordPress backend to version 2.7, which you probably didn’t notice. More obviously, I’ve changed the aesthetics around here to something more… professional. I think the layout is cleaner and the font is clearer and bigger. Tell me what you think of it.

It’s evident that there is still a need for more advocacy of Bayesian methods for all sorts of quantitative analyses, let alone for Bayesianism as a lifestyle choice! I want to use this site, including the only part of it that has any substance — this blog — to further the goal of Bayesianist awareness. If you have any ideas for how I can help, e.g. by including links to tutorials explaining what Bayesian statistics is, or by setting up a forum where Bayesianists can discuss anything from philosophical issues to how to get their colleagues thinking in a Bayesian way, then share them with me.

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